Thursday, September 12, 2013


Press 8 8 8 8
Push Press 5 5 5 5
10 GHD Situps
20 Squats
10 KB Snatches (5 each arm)
- 2 minutes rest -
8 Clapping Push ups
Run 1 Lap

This post from CrossFit South Bay summarizes a few of KStarr’s important rules to go by when planning your mobility days.

From the post:
1. Position is power even with mobility – whenever possible, maintain good posture and midline stability when mobilizing. Most of the time you are mobilizing a specific movement, so you want to make sure the whole body is in a good position.
2. Never take a day off – this is tough at first, but it really is important to get into a routine of doing something everyday. I used to only work on mobility around my workouts, but now I’ve made a habit of doing something in the morning as well right when I get out of bed…..after I get the coffee started of course:)
3. Minimum effective dose is 2 minutes – this is always a popular question with may different responses. K-Starr highly recommends 2 minutes. Longer is always better if you really want to get into the connective tissue and fascia to create a deeper, more effective stretch.
4. If it feels sketchy, it’s sketchy – it’s not always a no pain no gain thing. If it feels nervy or your body part being mobilized starts to go numb you may be on a nerve. So back off.
5. Stay hydrated – unhealthy tissues do not mobilize well. They need to be hydrated and happy to be effectively mobilized. Just like dry skin…..if you try to stretch it it will usually just crack right?
6. Sort out your imbalances – get to know your body. You guys are already a step ahead of a large majority of the population because of the sport you have chosen to partake in. It’s hard to do CrossFit without really getting to know how your body works, but make sure you spend time getting to know areas of tightness, weakness, etc. Review your functional movement screen results too!!! They can help you create an individualized mobility program.
7. Mobilize your stiff areas – don’t waste time on areas that aren’t tight. Unless you have a lot of free time on your hands and it feels good. Some people just grab a foam roller and roll up and down a few times, thinking that this is effective mobility. But it’s not! K-Starr says “quality, not quantity. Don’t rush through mobility.”
8. Explore your business (informed freestyle) – again, get to know your body. My sore/stiff areas are not going to be the same as yours. Play around. As you can see in K-Starr’s videos, you can really get creative with some of this stuff!
9. If possible, always use a band – the band helps to stretch out the actual joint capsule in order to put the join in a good position to mobilize. The band can get confusing based on the joint you are working on, but a general rule of thumb is if you’re mobilizing a flexion movement (i.e. calf stretch) put the band in front of the joint. If you’re mobilizing an extension movement (psoas stretch) put the band in back of the joint. In general, you just want to have some sort of traction on the joint.
Read more tips here.