Sunday, October 18, 2015


1 heavy Snatch, not above 90%
2×2 Snatch Push Press at 1RM Snatch weight
3×3 Snatch Pull at 110% of 1RM Snatch

"Air Force" 
For Time:
20 Thrusters, 95/65
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95/65
20 Jerks, 95/65
20 OHS, 95/65
20 Front Squats, 95/65

 The athlete must perform 4 burpees every minute on the minute until completion.
This includes beginning the workout with 4 burpees. If you are in the middle of a
rep when your coach yells burpees you may finish the rep. Peace be with you.

Gymnastic Pull Conditioning
15-12-9-6-3 unbroken C2B Pull ups for time – if you come off the bar before completing the prescribed reps, redo that set.