Sunday, September 7, 2014


Take 20 minutes to build to a 2-RM Back Squat Note best successful 2-RM.
One set of:
Strict Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Note number of reps achieved, and if a band was used for assistance, note color of band used for this test. You will re-test at the end of the 8 weeks with the same equipment.
For max reps:
Three minutes of Rowing (for max calories)
Rest 60 seconds
Three minutes of Burpee Box Jump-Overs
Rest 60 seconds
Three minutes of Wall Ball Shots
Note reps achieved for each of the three elements. For box jump-overs and wall ball shots, note height of the box and weight of the ball used for this test. You will re-test at the end of the 8 weeks with the same equipment.