Thursday, April 10, 2014


Take 15-20 minutes, not more, to establish a 1-RM Snatch
Take 15-20 minutes to warm-up to a heavy-ish Clean & Jerk
Rest as needed, and then…
Against an 8-minute running clock, perform the following, in order:
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
95/65 lb. Thruster
and then, using the same barbell, build the barbell and establish a 1-RM Clean & Jerk in the remainder of the 8 minutes.
POST TWO SCORES – You must post two scores; (1) time to complete “Fran”, and (2) heaviest successful clean & jerk within the 8 minute period.

Three Habits of Great Lifters

Three Habits of Great Lifters Written by Bryan Miller Here are three habits (that are a must!) for those looking to increase general strength, compete in a strength sport, 0r overall just be a great lifter! 1. Movement Quality vs. Chasing PRs Patience is one of the most noticeable characteristics of an experienced lifter. All too often beginners will chase PR after PR until their progress comes to a screeching halt. Why does this happen? I like to call it the ‘novice effect’. Each person has certain strength/lift potential with poor movement quality. The novice lifter will progress rapidly at
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