We won't post for a couple weeks, but work outs will be on the board! If your interested in starting at CrossFit Cameron Park you can e-mail us and we will get back to you when we can. We will start intros up again on July 20th. We will still have all the classes on the schedule running but we had to cancel the 9am class on Friday July 10th, and Friday 9am July 17th, sorry for any inconvenience. Drop in's are welcome if you have CrossFit experience it is a $10 drop in fee, cash or check only!
Belize and Mexico here we come!

Your Ankle Mobility Written by Cat Blatner To achieve the perfect
squat, we must first be able to achieve proper range of motion in our
ankles. The foundation of most of our movement is in our feet, so if
your chest is dumping forward drastically when you air squat, take a
closer look at your ankle flexibility. How well are you able to achieve
flexion? If the answer is that you have a 90 degree angle happening at
your ankles, then you may need to spend more time on mobility in that
area. Here are a few tools you
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