A. 5-rep Heavy OHS
B. 3×2 Pausing OHS – hold the bottom for 10 seconds.
or choose programming from the board if your a beginner EX) Deadlift, Press, Back Squat, Power cleans
Odd: 20/16 Calorie Row or Bike
Even: 10 Jerks, 135/95
Class times for today 5am, 8am, 9am and 4:30pm only!
We will be closed Friday for New Years Day!!
Saturday back to normal schedule!
Have a Safe, Fun and Happy New Year!
Better see everyone a lot after the new year!! :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
1. Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy 3-position Clean + Split Jerk
Pos 1: Above knee
Pos 2: Below knee
Pos 3: Ground
2. Barbell Cycling
Use one barbell and change weights during rest period.
4 Snatches + 8 CJ, 155/105, 2 min rest
3 Snatches + 7 CJ, 185/135, 2 min rest
2 Snatches + 6 CJ, 205/145, 2 min rest
1 Snatch + 5 CJ, 225/155
3. Conditioning
With a Running Clock:
A. At the 0:00
2 RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
15 C2B Pull ups
B. At the 5:00
2 RFT:
24 Wall Balls, 20/14
12 C2B Pull ups
A. At the 10:00
2 RFT:
18 Wall Balls, 20/14
9 C2B Pull ups
NO 7am today, all other classes are on!!!
We Will be Closed on Friday NEW YEARS DAY
Build to a heavy 3-position Clean + Split Jerk
Pos 1: Above knee
Pos 2: Below knee
Pos 3: Ground
2. Barbell Cycling
Use one barbell and change weights during rest period.
4 Snatches + 8 CJ, 155/105, 2 min rest
3 Snatches + 7 CJ, 185/135, 2 min rest
2 Snatches + 6 CJ, 205/145, 2 min rest
1 Snatch + 5 CJ, 225/155
3. Conditioning
With a Running Clock:
A. At the 0:00
2 RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
15 C2B Pull ups
B. At the 5:00
2 RFT:
24 Wall Balls, 20/14
12 C2B Pull ups
A. At the 10:00
2 RFT:
18 Wall Balls, 20/14
9 C2B Pull ups
NO 7am today, all other classes are on!!!
We Will be Closed on Friday NEW YEARS DAY
Monday, December 28, 2015
Back Squats
3 sets of 10 @your Body Weight
Bench Press
3 sets of 10 @ 3/4 Body Weight
10 Burpees
25 DU or 75 S.U
Normal Class times today!
WED- No 7am, all other classes on!
Thursday- NYE- All normal morning classes, and 4:30pm only
3 sets of 10 @your Body Weight
Bench Press
3 sets of 10 @ 3/4 Body Weight
10 Burpees
25 DU or 75 S.U
Normal Class times today!
WED- No 7am, all other classes on!
Thursday- NYE- All normal morning classes, and 4:30pm only
Sunday, December 27, 2015
No 7am again this Week!! Normal class times today through Wednesday. Thursday and Friday modified class times for Holiday (New Years)
For time:
30 Snatches, 135/95
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
30 Thrusters, 135/95
4 Min Time Cap on EACH Movement
More Conditioning
6 RFT:
12 OHS, 95/65
12 TTB
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
For time:
30 Snatches, 135/95
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
30 Thrusters, 135/95
4 Min Time Cap on EACH Movement
More Conditioning
6 RFT:
12 OHS, 95/65
12 TTB
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
One class only today for Christmas Eve 9am!!! Don't be late we are doing the 12 days of CrossFit Workout! Closed Christmas Day! Merry Christmas!
5 x 10 Dead lifts, climbing
“12 days of CrossFit”
12 Rounds for time of:
1 Squat Snatch, 175/125
2 Box Jumps, 30/24″
3 Push Press, 175/125
5 Hang Power Cleans, 175/125
6 Hand Release Push ups
7 Dead Lifts, 175/125
8 Burpees
9 KBS, 2/1.5-pood
10 Walking Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wall Balls (30/20)
12 Calorie Assault Bike
Round 1: 1 Snatch
Round 2: 2 BJ + Snatch
Round 3: 3 Push Press + 2 BJ + 1 Snatch
Round 4: 4 TTB + 3 PP +2 BJ + 1 Snatch..
Scale weight and movements as needed. Drop in's are welcome today!
“12 days of CrossFit”
12 Rounds for time of:
1 Squat Snatch, 175/125
2 Box Jumps, 30/24″
3 Push Press, 175/125
5 Hang Power Cleans, 175/125
6 Hand Release Push ups
7 Dead Lifts, 175/125
8 Burpees
9 KBS, 2/1.5-pood
10 Walking Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wall Balls (30/20)
12 Calorie Assault Bike
Round 1: 1 Snatch
Round 2: 2 BJ + Snatch
Round 3: 3 Push Press + 2 BJ + 1 Snatch
Round 4: 4 TTB + 3 PP +2 BJ + 1 Snatch..
Scale weight and movements as needed. Drop in's are welcome today!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
All classes are on today, just no 7am~ !! (wed)
Christmas Eve- 9am class only (Thurs)
Christmas Day- Closed (Fri)
Saturday 26th- 10am class only!
Merry Christmas~
Drop in's are welcome 1st class free if you are from out of town and already CrossFit, and after that $10.00 a class or purchase a shirt!
A. 4×6 Unbroken Power Cleans for time, 205/145 – rest as little time as possible between sets
B. 3×9 Unbroken Hang Power Snatches, 135/95 – rest as little time as possible between sets
For Time:
30 Thrusters, 95/65
90 Double unders
20 Thrusters, 95/65
60 Double unders
10 Thrusters, 95/65
30 Double unders
Scale as needed to single under's, and weight used
Christmas Eve- 9am class only (Thurs)
Christmas Day- Closed (Fri)
Saturday 26th- 10am class only!
Merry Christmas~
Drop in's are welcome 1st class free if you are from out of town and already CrossFit, and after that $10.00 a class or purchase a shirt!
A. 4×6 Unbroken Power Cleans for time, 205/145 – rest as little time as possible between sets
B. 3×9 Unbroken Hang Power Snatches, 135/95 – rest as little time as possible between sets
For Time:
30 Thrusters, 95/65
90 Double unders
20 Thrusters, 95/65
60 Double unders
10 Thrusters, 95/65
30 Double unders
Scale as needed to single under's, and weight used
Monday, December 21, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
No 7am class today, all other class times normal today and tomorrow (Wed-Sat) modified schedule we will post daily class updates!
1RM Squat Clean
WOD- "Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 hang cleans 135lb/95lb
Sub- 7 c2b and 7 dips for muscle ups
1RM Squat Clean
WOD- "Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 hang cleans 135lb/95lb
Sub- 7 c2b and 7 dips for muscle ups
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Four sets of:
Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60-90 seconds
Pendlay Row 5-8 Reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
50 Burpees then
10 Rounds
20 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls
5 T2B
Four sets of:
Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60-90 seconds
Pendlay Row 5-8 Reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
50 Burpees then
10 Rounds
20 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls
5 T2B
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
EMOMx7: 3-position Squat Clean
Pos. 1: From the Pockets
Pos. 2: From the knees
Pos. 3: From the ground
Back Squat
Find 20 rep max
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups
EMOMx7: 3-position Squat Clean
Pos. 1: From the Pockets
Pos. 2: From the knees
Pos. 3: From the ground
Back Squat
Find 20 rep max
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups
Monday, December 14, 2015

For time:
Power Clean, 135/95
Directly into…
Hang Power Clean, 135/95
Ring Dip
Odd: 20/16 Calorie Row
Even: 5 C2B Pull ups + 7 Push ups + 9 Box Jumps, 24/20
Rest 2 minutes
B. EMOMx8:
Odd: 20/16 Calorie Row
Even: 5 C2B Pull ups + 7 Push ups + 9 Box Jumps, 24/20 Fun Holiday Party Saturday!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Snatch or Chose other Programming
With a running clock
A. 0:00-4:00
work up to a heavy single Snatch Grip Push Press from a rack
B. 4:00-8:00
work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance from a rack
C. 8:00-12:00
work up to a heavy single hang Squat Snatch
D. 12:00-16:00
work up to a heavy single Squat Snatch
E. 16:00-20:00
work up to a heavy single Front Squat
Teams of 2:
2 Rounds for time of:
40 Overhead Squats, 115/80
40 TTB
20 Squat Snatch, 115/80
20 Bar MU (sub 40 c2b & 40 ring dips)

A. 0:00-4:00
work up to a heavy single Snatch Grip Push Press from a rack
B. 4:00-8:00
work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance from a rack
C. 8:00-12:00
work up to a heavy single hang Squat Snatch
D. 12:00-16:00
work up to a heavy single Squat Snatch
E. 16:00-20:00
work up to a heavy single Front Squat
Teams of 2:
2 Rounds for time of:
40 Overhead Squats, 115/80
40 TTB
20 Squat Snatch, 115/80
20 Bar MU (sub 40 c2b & 40 ring dips)
Thursday, December 10, 2015

work up to a heavy single from the low hang
EMOMx5: 5 Touch and Go Squat Snatches, across
5 Rds:
25 Cal Row
12 1-arm alternating DB Snatch, 70/50 (6/side)
3 Rope Climbs (sub pull-ups or lower downs)
Don't Forget!!!!
This Saturday the 12th at 6pm is our CrossFit Cameron Park Holiday Party! It will be at Megan & Scott's house in Cameron Park. If you need directions call or text us at (530) 7489546. We hope to see you there! Bring your family and something to share! All members are welcome!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Bench Press 5 5 5 5 3
Make up
Minute 1 – Row 200/150 Meters or 15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
Minute 2 – Pick a movement you want to improve on 8-12 reps
Minute 3 – Double-Unders x 40 reps
Bench Press 5 5 5 5 3
Make up
Minute 1 – Row 200/150 Meters or 15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
Minute 2 – Pick a movement you want to improve on 8-12 reps
Minute 3 – Double-Unders x 40 reps
1. “Big Clean Complex”
6 Sets of the Following Complex:
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk 1 complex = all 12 reps without dropping the bar. Rest as needed between the sets.
Goal is to build in weight each set
High Hang is from the pockets
Hang is from above the knee
I believe the world record is held by ZA Anderson at 260.
6 Sets of the Following Complex:
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk 1 complex = all 12 reps without dropping the bar. Rest as needed between the sets.
Goal is to build in weight each set
High Hang is from the pockets
Hang is from above the knee
I believe the world record is held by ZA Anderson at 260.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Snatch Accessory
A. 5×1 Snatch Balance Climbing
B. 5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlift, climbing – pause for 5 seconds 2″ off the ground
Deadlift 5 5 5 5 3
Press 5 5 5 5 3
“Power Drill”
5 Rounds:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Power Clean, 135/95
15 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
25 Wallball Shots, 20/14
3 Minute Rest
A. 5×1 Snatch Balance Climbing
B. 5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlift, climbing – pause for 5 seconds 2″ off the ground
Deadlift 5 5 5 5 3
Press 5 5 5 5 3
“Power Drill”
5 Rounds:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Power Clean, 135/95
15 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
25 Wallball Shots, 20/14
3 Minute Rest
Thursday, December 3, 2015
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds for max reps
1:00 Wall Balls, 20/14
1:00 SDHP, 75/55
1:00 BJ, 20
1:00 Push Press, 75/55
1:00 Row for calories
1:00 Rest
3 Rounds for max reps
1:00 Wall Balls, 20/14
1:00 SDHP, 75/55
1:00 BJ, 20
1:00 Push Press, 75/55
1:00 Row for calories
1:00 Rest
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 2 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Build to today’s heavy 2 or 3-RM.
In teams of two, alternate full rounds and complete 5 each of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
1. Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3 Front Squats
2. Conditioning
4 rounds of:
Min 1: 7 Front Squats, 225/155 – no rack
Min 2: 70 Double Unders
Min 3: 7-10 Strict C2B Pull ups
Build to a heavy set of 3 Front Squats
2. Conditioning
4 rounds of:
Min 1: 7 Front Squats, 225/155 – no rack
Min 2: 70 Double Unders
Min 3: 7-10 Strict C2B Pull ups
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